🚨 **Orthodontic Aligners: A Cautionary Tale** 🚨

I recently received a treatment plan for orthodontic aligners via DM from a company, with zero knowledge of basic orthodontic mechanics. Here’s a summary of the issues I noticed (and trust me, they’re not minor): 1️⃣ **Attachment Misalignment**: Inadequate size and position of the attachments. aside from this the plan relies on a buccal attachment for upper premolar rotation, for almost 20-degree without utilizing palatal attachments or elastics. 2️⃣ **Bone Health at Stake**: The continual expansion and retraction of the premolars can have a drastic effect on bone density. We must prioritize the long-term health of our patients! 3️⃣ **Timing Trouble (wrong staging) **: The plan appears to be moving all teeth simultaneously, leading to unsynergistic movements. Timing is everything in orthodontics as teeth move like a chess pieces. 4️⃣ **Torque Trouble**: The wrong mechanics used with cross elastics for correcting the lower right five are questionable, introducing negative torque in th

Comparison between 2 designes

🔍 Critical Analysis: Orthodontic Aligners Treatment Plans - A Comparative Study of Two Designs 🦷
As we dive deeper into the world of orthodontic aligners, it's essential to critically evaluate the efficacy of different treatment designs Not my designs ,however i reviewed them for my opinion .So, I want to shed light on why Design 2 stands out as feasible option for achieving results.
Here’s why Design 2 is a better :

1-Effective 2-Step Retraction: This innovative approach alleviates crowding while minimally impacting the torque of anterior teeth. The slight negative root torque and retroclination create a balanced force, avoiding the dreaded dumping effect.

2-Strategic Space Closure: The reciprocal space closure occurring between trays 16 and 17 demonstrates a systematic movement of the 3s and 5s, followed by the anterior segment. This method ensures that once 50% closure is achieved, the 6s and subsequently the 7s can move efficiently.
3-Simplified Tooth Movement: Unlike Design 1, Design 2 eliminates simultaneous tooth movement, allowing for a more controlled and predictable progression.
4-Precision with 41 Trays: This design incorporates 41 trays, which facilitates accurate incremental movements, ensuring each step is precisely tailored to the patient's needs.
5-Optimal Attachment Positioning: The strategic placement of attachments on upper canines, equipped with slits, allows for relative sliding movement during retraction, enhancing adaptability.
6-Acceptable Overjet: Design 2 maintains an acceptable overjet, contributing to overall treatment satisfaction.
7-Midline Alignment: While the upper midline remains undetermined due to incomplete records, the lower midline is on track, showcasing the design's focus on symmetry.
8-Molar & Canine Relations: The left side shows a Class I relationship, while the right side is edge-to-edge (¼ unit Class II) with a 1/3 canine relation—providing a comprehensive view of occlusal dynamics.
9-Accepted Overbite: Ensuring that the overbite remains within acceptable limits further solidifies the design's effectiveness.

What would i do differently ?
-Proper diagnosis for chacking the amout of spaces needed for xtn and space closure
- Replace the slits on L6s with Bottoms ( as bottoms don’t dislodge the lower aligner )
- Reduce the amount of attachment especially on the central incisors upper and lowers asthey will irritate and discomfort the patient during seating and removing the aligner- Removal of attachment placed on the 8s , they will be debonded with the 1st andremoval of the aligner by the patient .
- Inter cuspation could be improved → by some refinements and reducing the amount offiring of the post seg. And focusing on ant. Segment crowding correction .
- Cannot decide what to do with UL 8 need panoramic x-ray and patient acceptance of xtnand its opponent 8 as if we removed it we will get over eruption of the opposing lower 8likewise with the LR 8

Do the prescribed movements are realistic?
- Could be possible / however some side effects like dumpimg effect may took place .
- Sometimes mesialization (firing of post. Seg) isn’t easy as somehow depends on many factors such as : the density of the bone and whether the patient is hypo / hyper divergent .
- If the patient was cooperative with wearing the aligners not less than 20 hours + the elastics


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