
Showing posts from May, 2023

Orthodontic Aligners: Current Perspectives for the Modern Orthodontic Office ( summary )

     if you are intersted in this article please follow for more readings In this Article many questions have been answered .. 1- What are the advantages of using orthodontic aligners over traditional braces? 2-How do orthodontic offices incorporate aligners into their treatment plans? 3- what is shape-memory sheet (ClearX)? 4-Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using aligners for orthodontic treatment? Orthodontic aligners have several advantages over traditional braces, including: 1. Aesthetics: Aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults and teenagers who are self-conscious about their appearance. Unlike traditional braces, which use metal brackets and wires, aligners are made of clear plastic and are custom-fitted to the patient's teeth. 2. Comfort: Aligners are made of smooth, comfortable plastic that does not irritate the gums or cheeks. Unlike traditional braces, which can cause discomfort an

Are there any potential risks or complications associated with maxillary arch expansion that are discussed in the literature ? (summary )

  The article "Effects of Maxillary Arch Expansion: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews" provides a comprehensive overview of the craniofacial effects of maxillary expansion. The authors conducted a systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses to summarize and critically appraise the available evidence concerning maxillary expansion treatment effects. The authors identified 16 systematic reviews and meta-analyses that met their inclusion criteria. These studies evaluated the effects of maxillary expansion on various outcomes, including the transverse dimension of the maxillary and mandibular arches, mid-palatal suture, facial soft tissue, root resorption, periodontal health, circummaxillary sutures, nasal airway, TMJ, obstructive sleep apnea, and more. Overall, the authors found that maxillary expansion is an effective treatment for correcting transverse maxillary deficiency in both children and adults. The treatment can lead to significant increases in a

Deep overbite malocclusion: Analysis of the underlying components (summary)

  This study aimed to analyze the various skeletal and dental components of deep bite malocclusion and their contributions to the problem. The researchers conducted a thorough analysis of all deep bite components to lead to more individualized treatment planning and mechanotherapy. The study found that an exaggerated curve of Spee and a decreased gonial angle were the greatest contributing components to deep bite malocclusion. The study analyzed 60 patients with deep bite malocclusion, and their cephalometric radiographs were used to measure the skeletal and dental components. The researchers measured the gonial angle, mandibular plane angle, maxillary and mandibular incisor inclinations, overbite, overjet, and curve of Spee. The results showed that the gonial angle was the highest contributing skeletal factor to a deep bite, and the exaggerated curve of Spee had the highest contributing dental component. The study also found that the lingual inclinations of the maxillary and

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